Tuesday, October 25, 2011

topic sentences

      Slums are in parts of the world creating problems. slums affect people in ,any ways. Slums can make it overcrowded for people who live in poor conditions. Slums are full of waste and trash which can make people sick. If people are getting sick and dying then that decreases the population. These are reasons that cause problems.


i. introduction
   A. Slums are affecting people in parts of the world.
   B. Slums are waste and trash that affects peoples enviornment, they are very dangerouse.
   C. The waste and trash in slums is horrible. Because of this people are dying and getting diseases. The enviornment where slums are found are overcrowded with people. The water is contaminated with waste.
   D.  Slums also can get people very sick that they die lowering the population.

ii. Defendable point #1
   A. Slums can affect people so bad they get sick and die, this then lowers the countries population.
   B. The polluted area mixed with the trash and waste makes it harder on peoples lives.
   C. This means the more people die of slums the more the population continues decreasing, this also means people will be very depressed.
   D. Because of slums the enviornment gets overcrowded which makes it harder to live.

iii. Defendable point #2
    A. Because of slums peoples enviornment becomes over crowded which can make it harder to live for people.
    B. Because of the poor conditions people feel horrible.
    C.When people feel overcrowde in their enviornment they feel uncomfortable and find it hard to live with.
    D. Slums also cause clean water to become contaminated because of the sewage systems.

iv. Defendable point #3
    A. Slums also cause the clean watter in an enviornment to become contaminated because of sewage systems.

THESis Statement

 Slums are filling parts of the world with sewage and waste. People who are very thirsty have to drink contaminated water, because there is no clean water. There are crowded people. slums are full of water.